

By On October 8th, 2007

Brain Injury Conferences: Season Wrap-Up

It's been one of the most interesting months in brain injury that I can recall. At this year's various conferences–NASHIA, BIAs, NABIS–there was a strong sense of urgency regarding the treatment of brain injured veterans. Brain injury professionals know more than anyone that (as Mentor's Dr. Debra McMorrow puts it) "As it goes for the soldier, so it goes for the civilian." If American can adequately address the issue of Iraq War brain injuries, then all brain injury survivors may one day benefit.

Already a tremendous amount of action has taken place. A townhall meeting was called to order in DC to promulgate the vets issue. A bill was introduced that would require both the DoD and the VA to make plans (this is a read-only bill, so action may not follow plan-making). And most exciting, an urgent Call to Action Consensus Conference on Brain Injuries Caused by Blast organized by NABIS has been set for early November. The expectation is that a new proposal for the treatment of brain injured troops will be formed by the nation's foremost experts on brain injury.

It's never been a more important time to get involved with your state's Brain Injury Association. By advocating at the grass roots level, you're sending a clear message to local legislators that now is the time for brain injury reform in America.

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