

By On September 7th, 2005

Nebraska and Rattlesnakes

Yesterday, I conducted an evaluation just a short drive from Denver, in Western Nebraska. The terrain was yellow and desolate and the sky absolutely enormous–all in all a lovely time to roll down the windows and turn on the radio. Here’s a snapshot I grabbed at a rest area:

Out in remote areas, I’m lucky to pick up any radio signals, so more often than not, I’m resigned to the AM dial, and take what I can get. And yesterday, it was all news.

Most of what I heard on the radio involved the evacuation in New Orleans, and the ensuing migration to other cities, but I couldn’t help thinking how this is going to affect the healthcare system, and particularly TBI survivors. Obviously, we’re going to see many new TBIs as a result of injuries sustained during and after the hurricane, but my fear is that TBI survivors were among the most disadvantaged during the evacuation, and that many of their numbers perished in the aftermath. In our attempts to implement tighter emergency plans, it is imperative we consider the unique challenges different disabilities pose, and that in the event of emergencies, people with TBIs can continue receiving a similar level of care or better.

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