

By On December 4th, 2014

Retired NFL Player Comments on Kosta Karageorge’s Death by Suicide: “The whole game needs to change.”

Kosta Karageorge

Kosta Karageorge

“The whole game needs to change, and, again, I don’t know if anyone’s going to embrace it,” George Visger said in an interview with 19 Action News in Cleveland.  Visger was discussing the recent death by suicide of Ohio State football player Kosta Karageorge.  Tragic deaths such as these, as difficult as it is to fathom, are becoming more common.  Visger says brain injury due to concussions as well as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) are to blame explaining the way in which the judgement area of the brain is impaired when the individual makes the decision to end their life.  Visger knows what he’s talking about as a former NFL player for the 49ers who survived a severe brain injury and multiple concussions as well as multiple brain surgeries.  I agree with Visger that the whole game needs to change to become less violent and, thus, less injury inducing.  Of course, there is a tremendous amount of resistance to any such change.

In the meantime, we are grateful to George Visger and other advocates who keep fighting the good fight to educate and help those affected by brain injury.  You will find Visger’s interview here.

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