

By On June 3rd, 2016

Craig Phillips Provides Support for Individuals with Brain Injury

Craig Phillips Portrait

Craig Phillips

Craig Phillips is always thinking of how he can better serve those with brain injury and their loved ones. As Craig has pointed out, one of the most frustrating aspects of brain injury is the invisible nature of the disease. If others don’t know about someone’s brain injury (and sometime even when they do), all kinds of incorrect assumptions can be made. They look fine. Why are they okay on some days, but not on other days?

Craig has long been a friend of ours at NRI, as we share the same mission, to provide education and support for individuals with brain injury and their friends and family members. Recently, he organized his library of articles into categories to make it more convenient to find what you need.

Check out Craig’s articles here. We also provide an ongoing home to Craig’s material on our website by listing his website, Second Chance to Live, under our Resources section.

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