Advances Can Reverse Brain Herniation
The results of preliminary study by Robert Stevens, MD of Johns Hopkins showed promise in reversing brain herniation caused by trauma. Over a four year period 76 individuals with transtentorial herniation were treated with a 23.4% hypertonic saline bolus. In 57 of the cases herniation was reversed. Dr. Stevens noted that “herniation is a reversible events” and “(the) effect is to gain time to think about instituting other therapy”.While the long term outcomes demonstrated that 46 patients eventually died, 17 were left with severe disability and 5 with mild disability, the new approach allows doctors to consider other options and give individuals with severe brain injury resulting in herniation a chance for new opportunities. To learn more about this treatment click here to read the Medpage Today article.
I’m interested n ur new studies my dad had a very bad stroke and has brain hernia toon