

By On April 29th, 2009

Overcoming Brain Injury

Heather Aucoin was in an accident 3 years ago and suffered from a brain injury as well as injuries to her face and ankles.  After the brain injury Heather has had problems with fatigue, is easily confused as well as distracted. However, these limitations have not been able to stop Heather’s indomitable spirit.  She wanted to dance.  So she auditioned for and was accepted by Dancestreams Youth Dance Company in Parksville Canada, and has excelled in a challenging sport.

The program is very demanding of its dancers, according to Canada.com “Because of the time limitations, work must continue to move forward each and every week, placing a lot of pressure on the dancers to absorb and maintain steps, counts and corrections from week to week with no opportunity to repeat lessons.” Heather met this challenge by bringing her own video camera to rehearsal, that way she could tape the sequences and then study them on her own during the week.

Her hard work has paid off, she has “been cast in many roles and has gradually taken on more and more responsibility within the group.

Click here to read the full article

One Response

  1. richrd says:

    sometimes in the fog of being lost an inspiration appearsto refresh the fortitude needed to overcome what appeardto be an un surmountable challenge. thank you for that inspiration I was beginning to wallow after a stroke in january2015 but will now renew my efforts to walk againa fireighter for 31years thi is without doubt my hardest shoutbut I will repond

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