

By On April 8th, 2013

American Academy of Neurology Releases Concussion App

Source: G.Hagedorn

I had made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t write about any more apps coming out to help diagnose traumatic brain injury because the field is already becoming crowded with options. However, I didn’t expect that the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) would release an app themselves.

The AAN is the world’s largest association of neurologists and are naturally one of the leading sources of information on TBI, so when they make an app, I take note. The app was developed in partnership with the Academy’s updated guidelines for diagnosing and treating TBI in sports, and was announced April 7th in San Diego, .

The app, named “Concussion QuickCheck” (found here for Android users) includes common signs and symptoms of concussion, what to do if an athlete has a head injury during a game, tips for evaluating when a player should return to the field, state laws on concussions, and even GPS capabilities that will help you find the closest neurology.

Unlike most of the apps coming out right now, AAN’s does not help test players suspected of suffering from traumatic brain injury, but instead serves as a quickly accessible guide for coaches, parents, and athletic staff to access when the time comes that they believe a player has received a head injury.

While medical professionals may be more interested in apps with more diagnostic capabilities, such as those who test hand eye coordination, memory, or speech patterns, the average parent or little league coach will likely find this tool helpful for keeping up to date on the guidelines and symptoms of TBI. You can view a video about the app at News4ax.com.

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