

By On August 29th, 2013

NFL Agrees to settle player lawsuit: good or bad news?

Riddell Helmet

The NFL agreed to settle the lawsuit brought forward by former players with brain injuries. While the initial amount of the settlement, $765 million plus legal fees, appears to be a lot of money; we need to ask is that adequate to cover the present and future needs of all players who have experienced multiple concussions and are living with the effects of brain injuries. And, what about the players who have not yet recognized the long-term effects as well as players who will experience brain injury from multiple concussions in future years. The studies of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy indicate that effects may take years to be noticed and may occur long after the player has left the game.

The settlement is a small step forward to addressing a problem that is much like an iceberg. We see about 10% of an iceberg and 90% remains below the surface. I wonder if the NFL settlement represents the 10%. Will the NFL step forward with additional money as players come forward?

Click here to read the New York Times story or here to read the story on npr.org.

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