

By On February 5th, 2014

Dr. Maria Romanas Reveals Her Own Struggle with Brain Injury

MariaRomanasI had the privilege of meeting Dr. Maria Romanas at the Missouri Brain Injury conference last Fall. Dr. Romanas has been living with a brain injury since before her entrance into college. Yet, despite her brain injury, she had completed her medical training, attained a PhD, worked as a Pathologist for the VA and had raised a family. By all measures, Dr. Romanas is a successful person. However, her struggle with her brain injur led to her to look for answers and help through rehabilitation long beyond her injury. She found such help through specialized cognitive rehabilitation with Dr. Larry Schutz. Recently, Dr. Romanas has written a letter to MedPage addressing the need for extended and targeted cognitive rehabilitation. I applaud Dr. Romanas for stepping forward with her story and offering a prescription for rehabilitation as well as allowing us an up close and personal view of the effects of brain injury. She is one of those exceptional people that I have met through my career. When you read her letter you will find that her personal story and focus on recovery is amazing.

Click here to read the Dr Romanas’ letter.

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