

By On December 18th, 2014

Five Things You Need To Know About Concussions and Contact Sports

The football season may be winding down, but concussions happen all year. While the majority of brain injuries are the result of accidents such as car accidents or falling, there are also numerous sports with high brain injury risks which compete throughout the entire year.

Hockey is well known for its brutality, so it should be no surprise the winter sport has a high brain injury risk. However, spring sports such as soccer are also highly associated with concussions and even sub-concussive brain damage.

Of course, all sports come with a risk and it is important to stay active no matter what season it is. You can’t avoid all athletic activities for fear of brain injury. Instead, the most important steps you can take to protect your brain is to be educated.

If you can quickly identify a potential concussion and know the proper steps to protect injured players, you stand an enormously better chance for recovery than an individual who isn’t treated quickly or properly. Risk Bites can help you be prepared for a potential concussion with their latest video:

If you prefer the traditional text list to YouTube videos, the five things you should know about concussions and contact sports include:

  1. If you suffer a concussion, you should get an early and accurate diagnosis.
  2. Follow-up care is important.
  3. It’s not yet clear what the long term health impacts of concussion might be.
  4. Multiple head impacts that don’t lead to a diagnosis of concussion may also be significant.
  5. Helmets are designed to stop skull fractures, not prevent concussion.

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