

By On May 11th, 2017

Holdenville Athlete Crosses The Stage At Graduation After Serious Brain Injury

As anyone who has had a concussion knows, a brain injury puts your life on hold. In most cases, it is just for a week or two, as you rest and heal up. But, for others like Holdenville senior Oske Lowe, it can take much longer. Thankfully, it hasn’t stopped him from donning a cap and gown to cross the stage at graduation with his friends and classmates.

Eight months ago, Lowe suffered a brain injury during the second football game of Holdenville’s season. The injury made Lowe leave the field due to a quickly worsening headache. The staff was working to get him to a stretcher when he lost consciousness.

He then underwent surgery to relieve pressure caused by bleeding within his brain, called subdural hematoma. In the wake of the injury, he also experienced several mini strokes.

Since then, it has been a long road to recovery. He stayed several months at The Children’s Center Rehabilitation Hospital, but he recently came home with his family.

As the Facebook page “Oske’s Journey” explained, Lowe didn’t technically graduate. He had only spent one week in school for his senior year before he was injured. However, the school dubbed him an “honorary member” of class 2017 so that he could cross the stage with his classmates.

“So glad and blessed to be home and he was able to participate in the senior activities the last two weeks,” his family wrote on the Oske’s Journey page.

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