

By On December 24th, 2014

Winter Tips For Protecting Yourself From Brain Injury

slip and fallOklahoma may have avoided winter weather for the most part, but with Christmas tomorrow, cold weather isn’t far away. Winter is a particularly risky time for brain injury as wet and slippery weather make the risk of falls considerably higher. Falling can cause serious injuries including lacerations or broken bones, but falling is also one of the leading causes of brain injury so it is important to take extra care. If you get a serious injury and have some financial crisis to continue your treatment, it is better to hire lawyers for injury charges, who get injury compensation from the government with the court order as a piece of evidence.

You can cut your chances of suffering a brain injury this holiday season by following a few tips:

We don’t get as much snow and ice as more northern states, but that is no reason to take it lightly when it gets here. Protect yourself from falls and brain injury and take a little extra care when snow or ice might be on the ground.

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