By Paul Stone On February 22nd, 2017
Following the announcement of NASCAR’s new concussion regulations, it is no surprise concussions were a popular topic at the Daytona 500 media day. Several riders were asked about their opinions…
By Paul Stone On February 20th, 2017
The biggest story of the 2016 NASCAR season may have started on the track, but it unfolded far away – in dimly-lit and hushed rooms where Dale Earnhardt Jr. spent…
By Paul Stone On February 16th, 2017
In a statement issued today, the largest soccer organization in the world declared there is “no evidence” that ‘heading’ the ball is linked to an increased risk for brain disease.…
By Rolf Gainer On February 16th, 2017
On the Island of the Colour Blind, Dr. Sacks finds himself in the minority among the “achromatopes” who have adapted to their lack of color vision and provide him with salient insights into the limits of own color sightedness.
By Paul Stone On February 14th, 2017
The short-term effects of a traumatic brain injury are fairly well understood. Headaches, nausea, memory loss, confusion, and vision issues are all well-documented symptoms of a concussion or TBI that…
By Paul Stone On February 10th, 2017
College can be a tough time for many. Between the pressures of being independent for the first time and the challenges of higher education, the period can put a…
By jasonmaddox On February 9th, 2017
The NHL is embarking on a battle to disprove the connection between concussions and Chronic Trauma Encephalopathy or CTE.
By jasonmaddox On February 9th, 2017
It’s time for the 2017 Spring Conference Season and with it comes opportunities to learn about new research findings and new approaches to treating all aspects of brain injury. Here…
By Paul Stone On February 8th, 2017
fdriv The symptoms that follow a concussion are typically seen as a measure of the severity of an injury and how close to recovery a person is. Once the symptoms…
By Paul Stone On February 6th, 2017
Many consider “heading” a ball in soccer to be a classic part of the game, useful for both scoring and passing. However, a growing body of research suggests these “headers”…