

By On October 30th, 2017

Boston Patriots Near Forgotten Heroes Live with CTE

The 1960’s and 1970’s football heroes are now old and aging. Some have passed away and a few have taken their own lives. Football in the 1960’s and 70’s allowed players to return to the game with concussions due to the lack of awareness of the long-term effects of multiple concussive injuries. It’s time that we take a look at these players and see how they’ve fared as they age.


By On October 18th, 2017

Can research develop early detection of CTE?

Over 700 mixed martial arts fighters and boxers have enrolled in a study at the Cleveland Clinic’s Lou Revo Center for Brain Health in Las Vegas over the last six years. The study involves both active and retired fighters and is looking for the early signs of trauma-induced brain injury based on subtle changes in blood chemistry, brain imaging and performance testing.

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