

By On May 5th, 2014

How Can Parents Protect Their Child’s Head If Helmets Can’t?


Over the past year, several studies have come out exposing the fact that the helmets currently used in the majority of sports and activities with a high risk of brain injury are actually not very effective at preventing brain injuries. The helmets typically worn by children on bicycles or on the football field excel at preventing skull fractures or other lethal head injuries, but they are woefully unable to prevent concussions and traumatic brain injuries that can result in long term brain damage.

If you’re a parent, this news is likely pretty worrisome, especially when you combine it with the constant flood of news suggesting that concussions are even more dangerous than we currently believe. This type of news has caused parents to be extra cautious before allowing their child to join contact sports, but some parents risk over-protecting their child or do not know what the right decision may be when it comes to their child’s health.

Slate writer Melinda Wenner Moyer recently discussed the issue, and she offers insight only a parent could give. If you want your child to be healthy and active, but you’re afraid of being unable to protect your children from serious head injuries, Moyer’s article may be able to give you the information you need to make the right choice for your child.

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