The Age and Brand of a Helmet Doesn’t Affect Your Risk of Concussion
It has been repeatedly shown that different types of helmets have a very minimal effect on stopping concussions from occurring, and now a new study shows says the risk of…
ReadIt has been repeatedly shown that different types of helmets have a very minimal effect on stopping concussions from occurring, and now a new study shows says the risk of…
ReadOver the past year, several studies have come out exposing the fact that the helmets currently used in the majority of sports and activities with a high risk of brain…
ReadAs concussion awareness has increased there has been a noticeable increase in athletes wearing helmets. Skiers, snowboarders, and cyclists have all seen a rise in helmet usage, even outside of…
ReadOver the weekend the most successful Formula One racer in history, Michael Schumacher, suffered a traumatic brain injury that has him fighting for his life. While skiing in the French…
ReadHelmets have been getting some confusing reviews lately, as contact-sports and the concussions associated with them are getting more press coverage and researchers are looking everywhere for ways to prevent…
ReadIn the conversation surrounding the NFL and Riddell’s brain injury litigation, there seem to be two camps of extremists. There are those that stand behind the mantra “they knew what…
ReadThe most common suggestion for preventing head injury is to wear a helmet. Even in the NFL, the biggest push in traumatic brain injury prevention is coming from helmet designers…
ReadA new study has found that a combination of compulsory helmet laws and improved cycling infrastructure has lead to an incredible reduction of serious cyclist head injuries in New South…
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