Posts Tagged ‘NewsOk’
By Paul Stone On April 22nd, 2014
Oklahoma legislators have approved a bill that would give free access to hyperbaric oxygen treatment to any Oklahoma veteran who has been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury, but experts on…
By Paul Stone On April 21st, 2014
Oklahoma was one of the earlier states to pass legislation regulating how traumatic brain injuries and concussions are handled in youth athletics, but lately activists have been urging the state…
By Paul Stone On April 1st, 2014
Before the NFL and the media brought the concussion debate into the homes of families across the country, Oklahoma was one of the first states to pass legislation mandating concussion…
By Paul Stone On August 12th, 2013
Kerali Davis and her son Brady’s story is all too familiar for many people across the country. Her son, an eigth grader on the middle school football team in Newcastle…
By Paul Stone On October 18th, 2012
Gary Farnum used to be brilliant. He was the head of the family, a high performing Chesapeake Energy attorney, and he was in great shape from endurance bicycling. He also…