Posts Tagged ‘TBI’
By Paul Stone On October 28th, 2013
Less helmet manufacturers are marketing their products as able to outright prevent concussions these days, but you will still find claims that they reduce the chance of brain injury on…
By Paul Stone On October 25th, 2013
Every person throughout the country has likely heard of concussions, and the great majority feel confident that they understand the brain injury. However, concussions are greatly misunderstood. Anyone that refers…
By jasonmaddox On October 25th, 2013
Anne Leopold, MSc of JBS International By now, most people, including medical providers, insurance providers, policymakers, and researchers, know that recovery from traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be a long-term…
By jasonmaddox On October 25th, 2013
Recently I was at the Southwest Disability Conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico and had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Anne Leopold, MSc of JBS International. Ms. Leopold’s presentation…
By Paul Stone On October 24th, 2013
Following a high profile concussion in the sport last season, NASCAR is taking a page from other professional sports leagues and mandating baseline concussion testing beginning next season. Baseline tests…
By Paul Stone On October 22nd, 2013
Can a supplement available at any drug store help improve cognitive impairment in those who have suffered a traumatic brain injury? With researchers looking for any new way to treat…
By jasonmaddox On October 21st, 2013 is a resource, a place of support and information, for anyone who deals with brain injury from the individuals with brain injury to their families as well as professionals…
By Paul Stone On October 17th, 2013
One of the most frustrating parts of recovering from a brain injury is feeling normal but still being functionally impaired. Just because your symptoms are gone doesn’t mean your…
By jasonmaddox On October 16th, 2013
This past weekend another TBI made the news in the NFL. The sad part about this story is that it did not occur from a helmet to helmet hit, an…
By Paul Stone On October 15th, 2013
There is a literally endless supply of news about traumatic brain injury coming out every day. We hear what the laboratories, researchers, and scientists all have to say and the…