New Study Says Soccer Headers May Be Causing TBI
Soccer has a concussion problem rivaling that of the NFL, but it is less publicized because American’s just don’t seem to care about soccer and sadly the fact that majority…
ReadSoccer has a concussion problem rivaling that of the NFL, but it is less publicized because American’s just don’t seem to care about soccer and sadly the fact that majority…
ReadThe NFL’s brain injury problem isn’t going away in the off season, and now that they aren’t consumed by practice, games, and travel, the actual players of the sport are…
ReadWhile the NFL tries to figure out how to slow down the rise of traumatic brain injuries in the sport and all the bad press that comes with them, it…
ReadThe Mayo Clinic is one of the leading sources for traumatic brain injury information, as well as numerous other health concerns. They are such a respected organization that they regularly…
ReadIt seems pretty obvious that extreme sports athletes are at a high risk for concussion. Just as 250 pound football players crashing into each other seems patently inclined to cause…
ReadThough the ImPACT test has been used by the NFL for the past few years, the NFL hasn’t been able to implement the use of an objective testing method for…
ReadYesterday was the start of the NASCAR season with the Daytona 500, but a huge crash Saturday on the same track in Daytona which injured over 25 fans has the…
ReadTo those who haven’t been in high school since the 80’s and haven’t managed to see Bring It On on television at some point in their life, it may come…
ReadIt is widely known in the medical community that some damage from traumatic brain injury can last for years, with symptoms for just as long, but a Canadian researcher is…
ReadApps to help diagnose traumatic brain injury have been coming out for the past year or so, but they were mostly standardized sets of questions and baseline tests, which were…
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